Team GD

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Esafety dilemma 5

You receive a message saying something mean about someone you know.

What would you do?

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6 thoughts on “Esafety dilemma 5

  1. Emily on said:

    You should tell your mum or dad that somebody has sent a mean message about you.

  2. destiny on said:

    I would tell m,y parents that they have being mean about them,or i would delete it and block that person.

  3. you tell a adult or report it

    billy yr5

  4. Aidan on said:

    tell them to stop.

  5. Niamh on said:

    I would tell them to stop and then tell my adult about it .

  6. kayley year 4 on said:

    id show my parents then defintley block that person that has said a unkind comment about you.

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